87% of consumers rate messages delivered by mail as believable, compared to 48% for email

*Royal Mail MailMen

Mail opens doors

When it comes to getting that proverbial ‘foot in the door’, physical mail is way out in front. We all receive dozens (or even hundreds) of emails daily. But when a piece of direct mail lands it’s still an event. And research shows that customers are more likely to find it credible, trustworthy and deserving of their attention.

56% of customers trust DM more than any other direct media.*

*Source: DMA Building customer relationships 2013

Mail improves brand perception

As well as finding messages delivered by physical mail more believable than those delivered by email, consumers also see physical mail as more valuable. A well executed mail piece says a lot more about you than a hastily composed email. And you can make an even more positive impression by ensuring your message is useful or interesting, or preferably both.

70% of people say that mail, rather than email, gives them a better impression of a company*

Royal Mail MarketReach, Mail in Uncertain Times, TNS 2017

70% of people say mail makes them feel valued*

Direct mail is back in the mix – The Drum

Match the medium with the message

There are some communications – such as quick updates or reminders – that customers prefer to receive by email. But when it comes to more important matters, customers prefer to receive communications by mail that they can spend time with and keep.

65% of people say they are likely to give mail, rather than email, their full attention*

Royal Mail MarketReach, Mail in Uncertain Times, TNS 2017

69% of customers said they would open a mail piece. That’s far more than
are likely to open an email.*

*RoyalMail MarketReach, Ethnographic Qant, Trinity McQueen, 2014.

While digital communications remain a key and crucial part of the marketing mix, it’s clear that email should not be regarded as a replacement for mail, nor is it likely to deliver the same results in terms of consumer engagement and sales performance.

When mail was included in the marketing mix, campaigns had 12% bigger
ROI than those without mail.

**Brand Science review of multi-channel campaigns – The Drum

Discover our direct mail experience

  • We are one of the UK’s leading postal services providers, carrying billions of letters for thousands of businesses every year, across a variety of sectors
  • We work with a wide-range of customers – from start-ups to multi-national corporations
  • UK Mail are a trusted brand that is investing for the future with ISO 10001 – pioneering mail into digital era
Build trust with UK Mail

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