If you’re looking for answers about Royal Mail franking machine licensing, this means that you have wisely chosen to save money and forsake those trips to the post office by incorporating franking into your business mailing operations.

Your next step revolves around obtaining the Royal Mail Licence that allows you to cast aside old stamps and endorse your new and upgraded business mail.

The process is quite straightforward, and imail comms is breaking it all down in this article.


Do I Need a Franking Machine Licence?

Any company that wishes to use a franking machine must obtain a Royal Mail franking licence.

Under the Postal Services Act 2000, a business can frank its own Royal Mail postage at significantly discounted rates. The Act also details how Royal Mail maintains tight oversight on the production, distribution, and maintenance of franking machines to make sure that nobody abuses the system.

Hence, having a licence is an integral part of how Royal Mail makes sure everyone abides by the rules of the Postal Services Act.

Key Points – Royal Mail does not supply franking machines directly. Royal Mail is only responsible for the manufacture, supply, maintenance, and operation of franking equipment. As such, using a franking machine without a Royal Mail valid franking licence is considered a fraudulent and illegal activity.

Pile of stacked envelopes

Franking Machine Licence Essentials

Before you obtain a Royal Mail Licence and start franking your business post, let’s examine every aspect of the licensing procedure.


What Information Will The Licence Include?

Any Royal Mail franking licence includes the following details:

  • Your business name and address
  • Franking machine serial number
  • Your machine’s particular model name and number
  • Royal Mail Franking Administration Centre (Record-keeping facility)
  • A unique Die number

Included license information

A removable sticker detailing this information can be affixed to the machine for easy identification of an individual mailmark franking machine.

Should any of your details change, including your business address, it’s essential to notify Royal Mail and the franking machine supplier within 2 weeks of the details change.


Royal Mail Terms and Conditions

To simplify the terms under the Royal Mail scheme, let’s categorise them as follows:

Franking Machine Licensing Terms

This is a concise list of the most important T&Cs you should be familiar with regarding your future franking machine licence.

  • The franking machine licence specifically permits you, along with your employees and contractors, to operate the designated franking equipment at the listed address only. No third parties should have access to your machine.
  • Only the franking equipment specified in the licence can be used under this agreement. Any other machines would require a separate licence.
  • The licence cannot be transferred. If you sell your machine, the new owner must apply for a separate licence.
  • The franking machine must always be in good working order and should never be tampered with.
  • You must agree to an annual inspection by a Royal Mail-approved inspector. These on-site inspections should reflect that your business is abiding by the approved terms.
  • You must inform Royal Mail of any changes to the details included in your licence, and Royal Mail has the right to pass this information to your authorised manufacturer and supplier.
  • The maintenance and repair of your franking equipment must only be carried out by a Royal Mail-approved third party that maintains franking machines.
  • Your business must be registered as a limited company to be eligible for a franking machine licence.
  • Your franking machine licence is valid for one year only, and you must renew it annually to continue using the machine.


Franking Machine Usage Terms

These are the most essential T&Cs you should be aware of for using a franking machine:

  • The machine must be loaded with the correct postage rate.
  • The franked postage mark must be clear and legible, featuring the date and all other correct information.
  • Only Royal Mail-approved red ink can be used for the franking mark, except for Business Mail Advanced Service which requires a blue ink colour.
  • The franking mark must not include any inappropriate slogans or messages.
  • The franked mail must be organised into bundles that are sorted by class and service, and make sure they all face the same direction.

The complete terms and conditions of the licence are outlined in the Royal Mail Scheme for Franking Letters and Parcels 2018, which serves as your company’s official agreement with Royal Mail.

Not adhering to these terms may lead to the revocation of your privileges and Royal Mail has the right to withdraw approval of your licence.


What About The Cost?

Typically, the cost of your Royal Mail franking machine licence is included in the rental or purchase price of the machine, which can differ based on the brand and supplier. Often, the supplier will handle the licence application for you.

As a rough estimate, renting a basic, entry-level franking machine generally costs about £20 per month.

A standard franking machine


How To Obtain a Franking Licence

This is the most important answer when it comes to a franking machine licence, and it’s essentially the simplest one.

When purchasing your mailmark franking machine, you need to ensure you acquire it from an authorised Royal Mail provider in the licensing system, including franking machine suppliers or the licensed franking machine manufacturers.

Find a list of Royal Mail-authorised franking services in their official directory, or check out the imail comms guide on franking machine suppliers.


Smart Franking Machine: Your Next Smart Choice

Franking machines have been promoted to the more recent smart version.

Smart and digital franking machines reduce postage costs similar to the original versions, but they have the added advantage of accounting for VAT. The machine has all updated VAT information on its system and will do all the calculations for you. A smart franking machine will also automatically record your charges so you can easily claim VAT.

Smart Mail, Smart Savings.


A Final Word

Now that we’ve unpacked the finer details of obtaining a franking machine licence, you are all set to equip your business with an innovative method of mailing that will genuinely drive positive outcomes in your mailing operations.

Nonetheless, if you ever find yourself perplexed by any issues that have to do with franking, you may find your answers at the Royal Mail Franked Mail Support Hub.

You can always feel free to give a glance at imail comm’s blog, where you will find the most updated news and in-depth examinations of an innovative approaches to the digital and physical marketing world.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Here are some additional insider details that you may find helpful.

What documentation is needed to apply for a franking machine licence?

You generally need to provide business identification, such as your company registration number and VAT number, along with details about your franking machine model and supplier.

How long does it take to receive a franking machine licence after application?

The processing time for a franking machine licence can vary, but it usually takes a few days to a couple of weeks. We advise you to plan ahead to avoid any disruption in your mailing capabilities.

Are there different types of franking machine licences for various sizes of businesses?

Franking machine licences are generally standard, but the type of machine and its capabilities should match the volume and needs of your business. Royal Mail does not differentiate licences by business size, but the machine specifications may vary. Get advice from your franking machine supplier about the ideal machine for your needs.