Release Notes

  • Release 18

    Published On: September 8th, 2023

    Release 18 focused on 4 changes: iMail2.0 platform functionality, roles management, cosmetic changes on iMail2.0 and implementation of new functionalities on PCO:

    • Super Admin users: Have the ability to change the role of a user; for example: standard to admin or vice versa. The super user has the ability to delete and control permissions of any user account existing on iMail2.0 within their hirearchy. In addition , Super Admin User can edit and view more detailed information about specific users within their organisational structure.
    • User without Admin permission: This type of user can only view/manage own submissions. Mailroom users and reports – view or administer. Manage User Tab is not viewable to this type of user.
    • Imail2.0 platform: This release focuses on making sure the entire platform functionality is working as expected such as: –
      • The ability to add a company: –
      • The system to validate the data entered by the admin user and ensure that all the required fields are filled in before saving the company information.
      • System display error messages to the admin user in case of any issues while adding a company.
      • Selection of company type: The admin user should be able to select the company type from the dropdown list includes SME, Coporate, Estate Agent and Individual
      • Search field functionality: search bar to allow user to easily find a specific user based on their name, email, or role.
    • Fixed iMail2.0 user update role and cancel the process of creating a new Child company issues
    • PDF Rules Event Tab is added on PCO Admin to allow user to see a report of their scraped data/values
    • Document archive in the admin portal: This new functionality is to allow any user with the right permission to see an archive of documents based on current user hierarchy.
    • · New page sizes A3, A4, and A5 have been added on Admin Portal
    Change Name Description

    Dashboard- PCO

    Dashboard- Perch AFA


    Admail dropdown to change to non-Admail when AFA is selected in the Print Centre dropdown
    PBI2226 – Mailroom -Add document search tab Document Search Tab is added under Mailroom. The search allows users to use the following criteria to search for documents within the archive. One results have been returned, they can be filtered by using the search filters in the results grid.
    PBI2038  -PCO – Autolink –

    Alter the split response system

    Upload Fails Tab added on Autolink App The tab allows users to view failed items, at a folder level, within the Autolink application. Hovering over a line will give the full detail.
    BUG-2533 –

    Requesting different type of reports are all coming back as Volume Report

    The selected report type should be returning in csv format for the selected value in the drop down. The available reports are found in the following dropdown.

    Add ability to send reports without password

    Users can now select the option to send reports without encryption if they wish to do so. This option will be set to be on by default. The user makes this choice by turning ‘Password protect this file?‘ to be on or off
    Bug-1499 System to display useful message when file the submission fail System to display useful message when file the submission failed System now displays a clear message giving users the reason(s) why the document submission failed. This will allow users to fix issues by following the submission guidance and resubmit successfully.

    The number of side split by cannot exceeded the number of side set against user in the system

    The number of sides split by cannot exceeded the number of sides set against the user in the system. System to display error message when users enter an invalid side count

    Time wrong in Archive

    Time was populating incorrect in the Archive section
    Bug-1419 Pre-populate Split rules on modal Pre-populate Split rules on moda

    Upload functionality

    Split upload functionality
    Bug- 1958

    I have been directed to the wrong page after clicking on Api Document hyperlink from support page

    The link directs the user to the API Documentation page when they click on API Documentation hyperlink from support page

    Mailroom-Add failure screen

    Failure screen added under Mailroom This tab allows user to see the details of the error if any items fail without an instant error message.

    System now displays useful message when file the submission failed


    Hide uploader when the other is active

    Hide uploader when the other is active

    Update Autolink download file

    Upload Fails Tab added on Autolink App The new Autolink release will allow users to download a list of their failed items. (links to – new tab added PBI2038 – PCO – Autolink -Release)

    Add Splits and Mailmerges

    Splits and Mailmerges added under Mailroom

    These tabs give the user the ability to see their splits and mailmerges on any account if accessed.


    Move useful documentation to Support Page

    Moved useful documentation to the Support Page
  • Release 17

    Published On: July 5th, 2023

    Release 17 focused on 4 changes:

    · A new document search tab created allowing customers to search through their sent items allowing customers to self-manage their orders.

    · Added conditional functionality where if an administrator selects AFA in the print centre, the mail items are automatically reverted to non-Admail. This will stop administrators from selecting the incorrect service for their items.

    · A new Tab Upload Failures is added on Autolink App to allow customer to see all failed documents and a description of the failure

    · Fixed imail 2.0 report issue

    Change Name Description
    PBI2226 – Mailroom -Add document search tab Document Search Tab is added under Mailroom. The search allows users to use the following criteria to search for documents within the archive. One results have been returned, they can be filtered by using the search filters in the results grid.

    PBI2038  -PCO – Autolink –

    Alter the split response system

    Upload Fails Tab added on Autolink App The tab allows users to view failed items, at a folder level, within the Autolink application. Hovering over a line will give the full detail.

    BUG-2533 –

    Requesting different type of reports are all coming back as Volume Report

    The selected report type should be returning in csv format for the selected value in the drop down. The available reports are found in the following dropdown.


    Add ability to send reports without password

    Users can now select the option to send reports without encryption if they wish to do so. This option will be set to be on by default. The user makes this choice by turning ‘Password protect this file?‘ to be on or off
  • Interim update to cover issues relating to GMT offset

    Published On: April 4th, 2023

    PCO BUG 413 – Report Generator – Reports – times displayed in UTC

    PCO – PBI1630 – Alter lead sheet to display GMT rather than UTC 

  • Updates to cover PCO admin front end improvements, back end bug fixes and upgrades and the inclusion of the Mailmark service.

    Published On: March 23rd, 2023

    iMail 2.0 – PBI1267 – Mailroom – Remove bottom transport buttons – Removed buttons. Updated Autolink exe and version number. 

    iMail 2.0 – PBI737 – Additional Misc Fixes – Altered date column in mailroom to match date picker 

    iMail 2.0 – PBI737 – Additional Misc Fixes – Fix warning in mailmerge helper 

    imail 2.0 – BUG1279 – Create Blazor Pdf Viewer using Adobe Embed Api, and replace instances of Telerik Pdf Viewer  

    PCO – BUG826 – Fix Postcard Reprint process for individual cards 

    PCO – PBI 627 – PCO Dashboard – Batch Monitor screen -  remove Rate, Colour, Full Bleed and Product from the headers  

    PCO – PBI 638 – PCO Dashboard – Operations – print manager defaulted to Admail when selecting Livingston (Admail)  

    PCO – PBI 625 – PCO Dashboard – Batch Monitor screen – remove the buttons Combine and Release, Release Selected  

    PCO – PBI 672 – MAILMARK Reconciliation Service 

    Postcoder update – all servers will be updated. 

  • Update covering bug fixes and front end improvements.

    Published On: February 24th, 2023

    iMail 2.0 – PBI1238 – Mailroom – Add “release all” functionality and text to pending screen – Added select all button to command bar. 

     PCO – PBI1189 – Split Api – Increase acceptable split file size to 300MB – Fix middleware response on kestrel  

    PCO – BUG1206 – PCO Admin – Batch Configuration – Change Postcard Laminate flag doesn’t work or causes exception. (This is a change we had to make to send all postcards to LAM as requested by Guy and Kasia) 

  • Update covering various bug fixes and improvements.

    Published On: January 17th, 2023

    PCO – PBI 332 Returns Report not working 

    PCO – PBI  713 – PCO – Customer volume reports – change cutoffs to 6pm 

    PCO – PBI548 – Housekeeping – Fix issues with mass data – Added config change. 

    PCO – PBI526 – Housekeeping – Improve message sending process – Altered first run time so that it can run on Live. 

    PCO – BUG539 – Billing Manifest Scheduler – Exception causing billing scheduler to stop – Update scheduler code 

    PCO – BUG539 – Billing Manifest Scheduler – Exception causing billing scheduler to stop – Make DST extensions public 

    PCO – PBI755 – Latest Event Store – Data Purge Application 

    PCO – PBI747 – PCO Cluster Update – November 2022 Postcoder Update 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: December 20th, 2022

    713 – PCO – Customer volume reports – change cutoffs to 6pm  

    PCO- BUG 536 & BUG538 · SFTP – Altered error handling. PCO Admin – Altered validation. 

    PCO • PBl363 • SFTP · Add clean up process to the folders.  

    PCO · PBl526 · Housekeeping – Improve message sending process· New message format handled and processed  

    PCO – PBI363 PBI537 – SFTP – Add clean up process to the folders – Altered save folder button to fix update bug.  

    Altered delete button to now mark folders as deleted. 

    Check for deleted when retrieving SFTP folders. 

    Service now deletes folders marked for deletion. 

    Updated API to fix bug related to new field. 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: November 9th, 2022

    PCO – BUG531 – Reporting – Reports aligned to billing dates are showing incorrect data due date range calculation 

    PCO – BUG331 – Time is Adjusted by subtracting an hour from the from and to dates to take into account Daylight Saving 

    PCO – PBI153 – Rendering Customisation Profiles – All changes 

    PCO – BUG457 – SFTP Feedback bugs 

    PCO – PBI232 PBI233 PBI234 PBI235 – SFTP Main Merge All Code 

    PCO – PBI235 – SFTP – Service bus SFTP message handler – Nuget package changes 

    PCO – PBI234 – SFTP – SFTP Service – Created service 

    PCO – PBI153 – Rendering Customisation Profiles – Nuget package changes 

    PCO – PBI397 – Print Preview Api – Add additional post method to allow preview to be generated using document component 

    PCO – PBI27 – Missing Feature – PCO Topup & Pay as you post – All Service Changes 

    PCO – PBI27 – Missing Feature – PCO Topup & Pay as you post – Nuget Changes 

    PBI190 – SFTP Proof of concept – Created fileserver with Winforms front end 

  • Update relating to changes in third party supplier backend processes

    Published On: November 1st, 2022

    PCO – BUG540 – Opsys Manifesting HTTPS Endpoint Change 

  • Update relating to an improvement in the Colour / Mono process

    Published On: October 6th, 2022

    PCO – BUG422 – Billing – Colour / Mono read from batching colour flag and not item flag 

  • Update relating to changes in third party supplier backend processes and postcode validation service

    Published On: September 7th, 2022

    PBI383 – Add extra fields to Opsys manifest for Mailmark unsorted 

    PCO – PBI378 – PCO Cluster Update – August Postcoder Update 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: August 23rd, 2022

    PCO – PBI-327 – Convert mono items to Greyscale (Live merge) 

    PCO – BUG321 – APIM – ARM Template failing to deploy – MethodNotAllowed Adminstrator Group 

    PCO – PBI259 – Service Bus ARM – Allow max delivery count to be set in service bus ARM parameters 

    PCO – PBI353 – PCO Admin – Add Export to CSV functionality to Print Audit Page  

  • Interim update covering changes to the Mailmark data export process

    Published On: August 2nd, 2022

    PBI333 – Stop zonal data being sent to UKM for mailmark unsorted 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: May 17th, 2022

    PCO – BUG169 – Release Services – Excess data in ReleaseStore containers can cause slowness / non responsiveness 

    PCO – PBI141 – APIM – Add APIM Product for use with MT Print Client 

    PCO – BUG42 – Batching – Batch can get stuck and not released under certain circumstances 

    PCO – BUG99 – PCO Admin – Inconsistant Username length between PCO and Legacy 

    PCO – PBI15 – PCO Admin – Bulk cancellation screen – Increase speed of bulk cancellation 

    20 – Documents Api – Include consignment number in results – Merge to Live – Retrieve con number 

    PCO – PBI17 – PCO Admin – Print Manager Screens – Add a function to be able to cancel consignments / documents rather… 

    PCO – PBI16 – PCO Admin – Reconsign Consignment screen – Remove consignment being reconsigned from Print Manager 

    PCO – BUG90 – Print Api – Race condition that could potentially cause failed print jobs to not be put back into print 

    PCO – PBI70 – APIM – Add APIM Product for use with Autolink v2 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: May 17th, 2022

    PCO – BUG281 – Autolink – Files saved directly into process folders are being processed multiple times  

    PCO – BUG277 – Mailmerge API – Mailmerge data with empty data rows 

    PCO – PBI267 – Cluster Update – Postcoder May 2022 Update & MSORTAZ data 

    PCO – BUG254 – Autolink – Fix case sensitivity on file extensions 

    Bug195 – Opsys manifest not including responsible mail entry for admail. 

    PCO – PBI210 – Autolink – Edit saving of files. – Bugs fixed and installer updated. 


  • Interim update covering the admail screen

    Published On: May 10th, 2022

    PCO – BUG165 – PCO Admin – Admail Screen failing to load 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: April 27th, 2022

    Security Api – If company not active but account active – Merge to Live – Fix 

    PCO – PBI2 – Autolink Replacement Project MVP – Merge code updates and update installer with code signing info  

    PCO – PBI2 – Autolink Replacement Project MVP – Update default configuration for Live 

    PCO – PBI2 – Autolink Replacement Project MVP – Initial merge to check installer 

  • Update relating to the release of the Autolink MVP

    Published On: April 5th, 2022

    PCO – PBI2 – Autolink Replacement Project MVP 

  • General updates covering system improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: March 29th, 2022

    imail PCO – PBI7 PBI62 – PCO Cluster Update – Postcoder File – Mar 2022 & PCO Cluster Update – Datalogics License 

    PCO – PBI11 – Customer Returns Scanning – Update loading scan data file to account for network instability 

    PCO – PBI39 – PCO Cluster Update – Font Files 

  • General update covering bug fixes and improvements

    Published On: March 17th, 2022

    PCO – BUG43 – Print Store Event Receiver – Stop duplicate consignments / and reprints being added to Print Manager 

    PCO – PBI7 – PCO Cluster Update – Postcoder File – Feb 2022  

    PCO – PBI3 – Azure Move – Updates for PCO Live – APIM Custom Domains Update – for 2022 Wildcard SSL Cert 

  • Update to returns scanning application.

    Published On: March 8th, 2022

    PCO – PBI11 – Customer Returns Scanning – Add retry on saving data due to network instability 

  • Update covering improvements and bug fixes

    Published On: February 27th, 2022

    PCO – PBI3 – Azure Move – Updates for PCO Live – APIM Custom Domains Update 

    PCO – Postcoder Update December 2021 (Live merge) 

    PCO – MOVE1/2-MERGE – Nuget Package Change – Storage – Cater for events with ukm storage account name 

  • Interim release to address issues with TopUp and Pay as You Post

    Published On: February 7th, 2022