Are you feeling the pressure to save money in 2024?
Allow us to 15-20mins to demonstrate to you our capabilities. If you’re up against it and looking at ways in which you can digitally transform your communications or even go paperless. imail comms have been supporting local councils for over 10 years.
Contractual compliance
A partnership managed through contractual compliance will provide you peace of mInd.
CCS Frameworks
Standardised contract terms, CCS support G-Cloud 13 to enables transparency & stability.
G-Cloud 13
Buy services seamlessly and without effort without the lengthy tender processes.
Cost Saving
Switching service has on average saved councils up to 56% on their current postal processes.
Reporting & MI
Detailed dashboard and reporting. Control your mail room with a few simple clicks. Pause, review and report on mail comms.
Training Days
Do you struggle with rogue/unmanaged mail being sent. We provide all new and existing clients training & account management.
We’re on the G-Cloud 13 framework.

G-Cloud 13 is the government’s digital marketplace for buying cloud services. It makes it easier and faster for public sector organisations to purchase cloud services. Since the first G-Cloud framework was launched in 2012, the government has committed to £1.8 billion in cloud spending via the framework.
This new framework allows councils to buy imail comms services quickly and effortlessly without requiring a lengthy tender process. Music to your ears, news to your eyes!
It’s as simple as locating imail comms on the G-Cloud 13 Digital Marketplace for your digital products and projects, and following the simple procurement process, hassle-free.
What does it take to roll out a new integration?
We understand that in many councils rolling out a new strategy or implementation is tough.
imail comms in tandem with offering a first class mailing service, provide the tools required to roll out usage across your council.
We provide you and your team with all the time and training that enables you to ensure that the plans put in place are utilised and actioned.

“Having served many public sector organisations for the last 10 years, we are overjoyed to have been given a spot in the G-Cloud 13 online marketplace. This will make it possible for more public sector organisations to work with our experienced cloud consultants to quickly and effectively accomplish their objectives.”
Andy Barber